Women & Girls Empowerment


What is Girls Hygiene ?

Every girl, no matter where she lives, deserves to manage hygiene

Self care and self grooming are immersive important. Women and girls should give importance to intimate hygiene no matter what stage their lives are at or regardless of their age. Girls who are living at road have no water for cleanliness and to bathe daily. Our team of the organisation take care for that and help them to maintain hygiene. Our vision is to organise camp in government schools and slum areas to explain the girls hygiene importance during menstrual cycle and remaining days also. Women in informal work (e.g. construction work, domestic work etc.) often have no access to washrooms, clean water for bathing, and to cost-effective hygiene products and their safe disposal. Beti foundation team helps them to provide the products for hygiene.

Issues about menstruation and girl’s hygiene are taboo in many Indian communities and parts of urban culture. These women and young girls are therefore ignorant of the hygiene-related behaviors they ought to undertake and how they may negatively affect their health. Our vision is to conduct health awareness sessions in schools which in turn affect the entire community through training students to act as peer leaders about reproductive health, distributing sanitary pads to girls in school.
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What is Girls Hygiene ?

Every girl, no matter where she lives, deserves to manage hygiene

Self care and self grooming are immersive important. Women and girls should give importance to intimate hygiene no matter what stage their lives are at or regardless of their age. Girls who are living at road have no water for cleanliness and to bathe daily. Our team of the organisation take care for that and help them to maintain hygiene. Our vision is to organise camp in government schools and slum areas to explain the girls hygiene importance during menstrual cycle and remaining days also. Women in informal work (e.g. construction work, domestic work etc.) often have no access to washrooms, clean water for bathing, and to cost-effective hygiene products and their safe disposal. Beti foundation team helps them to provide the products for hygiene.

Issues about menstruation and girl’s hygiene are taboo in many Indian communities and parts of urban culture. These women and young girls are therefore ignorant of the hygiene-related behaviors they ought to undertake and how they may negatively affect their health. Our vision is to conduct health awareness sessions in schools which in turn affect the entire community through training students to act as peer leaders about reproductive health, distributing sanitary pads to girls in school.
can change LIVES.
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