Women & Girls Empowerment


Anuj Bhati

Founder & CEO

Anuj Bhati belongs to a farmer’s family where he lived in a joint family. He faced many struggle in his life earlier. Apart from that he wants that every girl has better future along with the studies. In his early age he didn’t got proper education because of financial condition. After passing intermediate he worked for four years as a labour near Ganga Banks. He saved his wages and continued his further studies from that money. He also worked for three years as a security guard during night and focused his studies in daytime. After completion MBA he got his proper job in Kotak bank and then in 2016 he founded Beti Foundation Organisation as a part time. He always has interest in social works. In 2012 he started doing social work like teaching children organising mass marriages and got many prizes from the government. His main motive is to educate the children who are not able to go school. In this effort he and his team faced many issues like most of the parents doesn’t want to send their children for studies. He convinced them and start teaching their children. He is always thankful for the government, team members, investors to support him in this noble cause. He believe that by teaching street children domestic violence, child marriages, dowry system can be controlled by this. Apart from street education he also worked for mass marriages for the couples and disabled people who are not able to arrange their finances. Nothing can stop him for doing this social work .

Mr Anuj Bhati a grass root level social reformer rehabilitator to a multitude of unprivileged slum girls. He has a vision of an egalitarian society that has succeeded in percolating to the lowest strata of society, saving thousands of women from social and sexual exploitation. For the past 10 years, he is working to enhance the quality of life of unprivileged youth in slums across India He is known for pioneering innovative projects benefitting millions of unprivileged Indians and transforming their lives. He is dedicated towards his goal and focused to achieve his goal. He is struggling from many years and also manage their studies too equally and very well focused to their aim.

Our Focus Areas

Girls Education

Health & Nutrition

Female Hygiene

Women Empowerment

Anuj Bhati

Founder & CEO

Anuj Bhati belongs to a farmer’s family where he lived in a joint family. He faced many struggle in his life earlier. Apart from that he wants that every girl has better future along with the studies. In his early age he didn’t got proper education because of financial condition. After passing intermediate he worked for four years as a labour near Ganga Banks. He saved his wages and continued his further studies from that money. He also worked for three years as a security guard during night and focused his studies in daytime. After completion MBA he got his proper job in Kotak bank and then in 2016 he founded Beti Foundation Organisation as a part time. He always has interest in social works. In 2012 he started doing social work like teaching children organising mass marriages and got many prizes from the government. His main motive is to educate the children who are not able to go school. In this effort he and his team faced many issues like most of the parents doesn’t want to send their children for studies. He convinced them and start teaching their children. He is always thankful for the government, team members, investors to support him in this noble cause. He believe that by teaching street children domestic violence, child marriages, dowry system can be controlled by this. Apart from street education he also worked for mass marriages for the couples and disabled people who are not able to arrange their finances. Nothing can stop him for doing this social work .

Mr Anuj Bhati a grass root level social reformer rehabilitator to a multitude of unprivileged slum girls. He has a vision of an egalitarian society that has succeeded in percolating to the lowest strata of society, saving thousands of women from social and sexual exploitation. For the past 10 years, he is working to enhance the quality of life of unprivileged youth in slums across India He is known for pioneering innovative projects benefitting millions of unprivileged Indians and transforming their lives. He is dedicated towards his goal and focused to achieve his goal. He is struggling from many years and also manage their studies too equally and very well focused to their aim.

Our Programmes

Our Focus Areas

Girls Education

Health & Nutrition

Female Hygiene

Women Empowerment

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